Saturday, October 4, 2014

New Possibilities

After being able to take classes with Mark Andres over the winter and spring, I have been able to return to my work with fresh eyes and honed skills. One of the things that I was encouraged to do in my classes was to create preparatory sketches for my paintings by making collages. By doing this I was able to simplify the shapes and work out color and compositional questions. Here are a few examples of the collages I made followed by the finished painting.
Collage Sketch for Qualms 10"x7"
"Qualms" Acrylic on panel. 16"x11.25"
Collage Sketch for Those Were Pearls That Were Her Eyes 8"x7.75"
"Those Were Pearls That Were Her Eyes" Acrylic on canvas. 66"x60"
Collage Sketch for Commission 9"x9"
Commission. Acrylic on panel. 12"x12"

Collage Sketch for Commission 6"x8"
Commission. Acrylic on panel. 27"x36"
When I showed some of my collage work at my last exhibit at In Bocca al Lupo Fine Art in September, the response was so positive that I have decided to put more work into the collages and produce some as finished, salable pieces of art. Here is an example of my latest work in progress: 

Collage Study. Painted paper on board. 20"x10"

1 comment:

Michele Brooks said...

How wonderful to get a glimpse into your process!